Thursday, July 14, 2011

Generation Italian, Chapter Six

Hello, and welcome back to the Around the World legacy, or, in Italian, In Tutto Il Mondo.

Last time, I got Generations, Immy got pregnant, and she gave H some flowers that smell like flowers.

H: Oh. Emm. Gee. FLOWERS!

And now it's time for birthdays!

H still looks the same, but a bit older.

Ella grows up very pretty! Our rebellious genius joined debate and study clubs.

Issy is pretty adorable, but I'm concerned that she looks too much like Immy. Issy joined the drama and art clubs.

Iato senses that I dislike him.
Iato: You forgot to take a photo of me in CAS.
Well, there is that. Grumpy pants joined shop and sports clubs.

I sent him over to the treadmill right away.

Immy is still working on her LTW, trying to max logic and handiness. I'm a little nervous to let her try handiness while pregnant (please don't die!) so she's chained to the chess board.

Issy has discovered that she can sculpt now that she's a teen.

Coke is still noveling, btw.

Even when he's gardening, he's thinking of noveling.

That night...
Imogen: HOLY FRAC!

It's a boy! His name is Indirizzo, which means address in Italian.

With Generations, you now can take infants and toddlers out in the stroller.

Am I the only one to find this animation creepy?

Uh, not as creepy as H is here.

Immy was invited to this woman's party, and she let baby Indy come along. He lay on the floor for a while before I got bored and sent them home.

The teens demonstrate their new beds.
Issy: Bed.
Yes, bed. Go to sleep, kiddo.
Issy: ...Bed.

Once again, it's time for spouse hunting at the school. This girl's name is Malika.

Umm... no thanks.

Maybe with a make-over?

You're a little young for us, hon, but your hair is awesome. Please breed.

Coke: Wait, my kids are teens now?
Little late to the party, there, aren't you?

There is no point to this picture, other than to show that H is cute when she exercises.

I sent the Italian kids out spouse-hunting again, but Sunset Valley is oddly devoid of viable options (and so early, too).
This adorable girl, by the way, is Theladry Starr's sister, Domingo Starr.
Please breed. Please.

Oh, that might work! Iato knows her, too. I forget her name, but she's seriously cute and freckly, so that might just work.
By the way, the reason why I'm so set on finding them pairs so soon in teenhood is because prom is on Wednesday.
It's Tuesday.

While still searching for men-folk, I realized that Issy was already good friends with Tee (whose real name is Topher Baker, by the way). He just grew up to teen, so I decided to see what he was like. She called him, but he said to call in a few hours, so she had some time to waste.

So what's she doing at this house, then?

Issy: I'm having a mood swing, and I wanted to egg their house.
Do you even know them?

Issy: Awesome.

Back at home, Iato calls up that girl with the freckles whose name I don't remember.

Iella, meanwhile, has decided to skip the whole prom-date finding madness. She'll go on her own to prom, and probably have a great time. And be well rested, too!

Isola, however, has been picked up by the cops for egging the house, and is in a lot of trouble!

Immy: That's it, missy! You are GROUNDED!
Issy: But Mo-om, prom is tomorrow.

Issy: Tee is standing outside right now and I want to ask him out! If you ground me now, it will ruin my whole life.
Immy: Well, I guess I could let you off just this once, since it's prom. Just don't do it again.

Damn, Tee grew up in weird hair.

There, I fixed it. Couldn't resist. He's actually pretty cute when he's dressed properly.

Looks like Iato's potential date has arrive too.
Iato: Rubbish!

I have enough for this chapter to go on twice as long, but I'm going to cut it off here because I want to give this generation time for an heir poll!

Will it be Iella, the rebellious nerd...

...Isola, the popular drama queen...

...or Iato, the clever jock?

Go to the boolprop poll to vote. If you don't have an account, you can comment here instead. The poll closes on Monday (my day off) so vote soon if you can!
Thank you! I promise, next time: prom!

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