Saturday, July 31, 2010

Generation Hungarian, Chapter Two

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in Hungarian, Körülbelül A Világ.

Last time, Galle and Fritz had five children: Hadjárat, Hátulja, Hol, Het, and Hajó (or Campaign, Back, Where, Week, and Ship, respectively).

The household was totally crazy. The five kids were all still in diapers, and I totally gave up on training them all.

Despite it all, the power of Awesomemod lets me have more than 8 sims in the house, so we got right to work. For reasons some of you might be able to figure out if you think really, really hard (probably not...), I want a baby girl.

And look, it's three birthday cakes. Who could they be for?

First up is Hol. His favorite color is lime green, he has beautiful eyes (I think all the adopted kids have purple eyes?) and his hair, if you can't tell, is a strange brown.

The same shade of brown as Het's hair. Maybe they really are twins. She loves the color purple, clearly.

Finally, Galle became a full fledged adult! I gave her stomping boots, and a more grown-up outfit to match. She also has two new tattoos: butterflies and a peace sign on her shoulder, and "FREE HUGS" on her knuckles.

Life returns to almost normal after the birthday party, though it's a rather chaotic normality...

With four toddlers and an infant, the amount of time it takes to get all the babies happy in the morning is (I timed it) approaching 10 hours. They all wake up at the same time. The parent (usually Fritz) has to snuggle, change the diaper of, then feed each child. By the time they are done, the first needs a diaper change, so they start again. By that point, the older ones are usually okay, but Hajó is usually lonely again.

Galle is on maternity leave, still, of course, so she writes in the few hours before she has to throw up and then take care of the babies again. By the time everyone else comes back from work, she's ready to scream.

It must be a legacy, because it's birthday time again!

Hadjárat is a tad plain looking, but that red hair is gorgeous on her. I added pink streaks, which look great with her braids.

I then proceeded to go crazy at having an actual child in the family, and took way too many pictures of her playing chess.

Then I changed my mind, and decided to have her write instead. Because authors are fun. I think I'll have her focus on fantasy novels...

Oh yeah, and there's a Dalek in that room now. Just because.

I'm going way over my usual length, so here we go! I'll leave you with a picture of Galle discovering she's pregnant again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Generation Hungarian, Chapter One

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in Hungarian, Körülbelül A Világ.

Last time, my game exploded. Repeatedly.

I realized after reinstalling several times that I lost all my pictures. So here's what happened...

Geschehen and Fais had a birthday. I was bored of the twins, so I had Geschehen move out and take them with him.
Galle and Fritz had an adorable private wedding, and were still really in love. I actually have some pictures of that.

Aww, aren't they cute?

Then Galle got pregnant and they adopted a baby girl named Hadjárat, which means Campaign in Hungarian.

...and that's where I left off, before my game died. When I came back, I finally got Awesome Mod installed too, so now my game is extra awesome.

Then Galle went into labor.

She made great faces.

They had a daughter named Hátulja, which means Back.

So now they have almost-twins, but Hadjárat is a day or two older than her little sister.

Galle: It smells great in here.

Hadjárat grew up without anyone to watch - everyone else had work, but Galle had maternity leave.

She's adorable! She grew up with funky green hair, so I changed it. I like red hair, and her favorite color is green, which looks amazing with red hair. So hah!

I built Galle a little corner in the living room for her writing, so she doesn't have to grab a random chair in the dining room or kitchen.

She and Fritz are so cute! He's a police officer, she's a fire fighter. Love them so muuuuch.

Also, I love Galle's shoes. And yes, this picture does mean they did what you think they did (you dirty minded people, you).

Then it was time for another birthday.

Hátulja is very pretty! She got her mother's nose, but it works well on her. I hope she's not a clone of Galle with her father's hair, though!

They're so cute! I love these two. Especially since they have great favorite colors. Blue is my favorite, and the dark green looks so good on Hadjárat.

Then Galle discovered she was pregnant again.

Upstairs, Gabe's butt tingled.

Goodbye, Gabe Brandt, you will be missed.

Later, downstairs...
No, Galle didn't have twins. She adopted twins. Okay, so technically she adopted one baby then immediately adopted another one, but can we pretend that they're twins, please?

Meet Hol (Where) and Het (Week). Hol is the boy, and Het is the girl.

So now they have five (if you count the unborn child) kids under the age of 6, or whatever.

So now Fritz is going to become a full blown adult.

He grew up, um... special looking.

Then Galle went into labor.

It's a boy! Meet Hajó, which means Ship in Hungarian.

And that's as far as I've played. The nursery is full to bursting, but I'm so excited to be back!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Generation German, Chapter Eleven

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in German, Rund Um Die Welt.

Last time, Death's twins became toddlers, and I became bored.

Galle amused me (temporarily) by having to stop the angry gnomes. It was actually harder than I anticipated. I do like playing this career, I just wish it would load quicker. Unlike other people, this legacy (and now the Hadley legacy) is my only save file, so I do all my testing out of new things here. I do so love this family.
I would just love it more if they were quicker.

I resisted the urge to grow the twins up early, though, and they finally became children!

So Geschehen is really hard to style, since you can't really see his face.

I think they look relatively similar, though, if he didn't have the black skin. Winnie's hair is a more natural blond, though, like Mel's.

And just in case you forgot that everyone this generation is neurotic, here's someone freaking out right next to the computer.

Allow me to introduce you to what every day in the legacy house is like.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

C-C-C-Combo breaker.

I had Fais try an experimental treatment, and she swallowed a pill as big as her head! Then she felt nauseous. Wonder why. I was going to make a new banner for this generation with this picture and maybe the grim reaper or something, since the triplets basket doesn't apply as much any more (they're having kids of their own by now!) but this generation's almost over anyway (uh, I hope). I'm going to be so glad once we finally have some Hungarian babies.

I had Marc sculpt, and after he made his first clay guy, he was able to sculpt metal if he had scrap in his inventory. I'm sad I missed that with Frac, so he's doing almost entirely that. I want him to learn how to do the octopus guy and make one for me in metal.

Sometimes, instead of playing chess, I have Geschehen paint. There's not much for a child to do around here. He could invent, but Gabe already did that this generation. Besides, he paints things with an evil red tint!

Firefighting is really the most exciting thing in my day, it's hard to resist taking pictures of the pretty flames.

Galle is getting all sorts of rewards, too. She has this ax and coat, plus two or three awards from city hall.

And then, after what seemed like forever, the twins were ready to grow up into teens.

Winnie is kind of cute. I could see her having cute freckles and giggling.

Geschehen just annoys me, though. I haven't gotten to pick his traits since birth (but I've picked his sister's) and he's all grumpy and techniphobic (or something like that). Blah. I can't even see his face.