Friday, August 5, 2011

Generation Japanese, Chapter Two

Hello, and welcome back to the Around the World legacy, or, in Japanese, 世界中 (Sekaijū).

Last time, Ella had a baby girl named Joy and the family moved to a new house!

Have I mentioned that I love this lighting mod?

I don't think I've shown you Indy's tattoos recently. So yeah, here they are.

Obligatory Generations squee! THEY HAVE CANES NOW!
Wait, what's that in the background.

Dorky wall hangings! Yay!

I let Ella take Joy to the park, hoping to find a good spouse there.

On their way, they also practiced townie-impaling toddler-acrobatics.

That's better. What are you pointing at, Joy?

At this point, the game would freeze and/or crash, every time. 3:10 pm, Saturday afternoon. Finally I took out some CC and updated all my mods, and it started working. I loaded up a previous save and started Saturday again.

Ella: The old nursery followed us!
Uh, no, it's just the same paintings from the old house, I put them in your inventory, remember?

Joy: Ignore her, she's an idiot.

Joy: *is still cute, even in the new house*

Joy: I love you, Lucky! Some day I wanna marry you!
Careful what you say around here, little one!

Later... Toddler fail! So sad. :(

H has been cooking lately, trying to build skills. Also, I love the kitchen.

Sometimes Immy cooks too. I'm not really sure what to do with her now that she's reached her LTW.


Coke spends most of his days just wandering around, staring into space. It's kind of sad.

Oh hai, pretty lady.

Look who just moved in next-door! Quick, Ella, introduce yourself! I want his ginger babies in my legacy.
Ella: But-

Ella: But that's his daughter in the background. He's a father of three.
That didn't stop you with Bran.

I don't know what's happening here.

I do know what's going on here.
Come on, you two!
Ella: I thought you wanted me to woohoo with him?


Wow, he's got some beautiful eyes!

This is the kiss that got Ella a "naughty" reputation. Like mother(s and father) like daughter.

Come on, guys, your mother is sleeping right there!

There we go... is that a lullaby I hear? A FRECKLY GINGER LULLABY?

Pretty people...

Ella: I feel... like vomiting.
Joy: Oh God, not on me!

With that taken care of... it's time to train this one!

Georgie: HUNGRY!
Then go home! Weirdo.

Georgie: Hungry.

Random shot of Indy, to remind you he still exists.

I bought Joy one of these things, for some grandparent bonding time.

It's the now familiar, I-just-got-Generations-aren't-toddlers-cute-now? montage.

Ella has discovered all the potions possible, and Coke's royalties are finally adding up, so she's inventing again, while she can.
Since her LTW is career related, I've decided to wait until after she's done having kids before getting her a job, so that she can go straight to work without waiting on the end of maternity leave.

Let's just hope she doesn't burn to death before then.

Oh, look who just sproinged! Another little one is on the way!

Next time, more babies!

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