Sunday, August 28, 2011

Generation Japanese, Chapter Six - Part Two

Hello, and welcome back to the Around the World legacy, or, in Japanese, 世界中 (Sekaijū).

Last time, I took so many pictures that I needed to split the wedding into a separate post. Make sure you read the first half first.

Click on any picture to make it larger!

The wedding is being held at the little chapel, which I'm so glad I downloaded. It's a gorgeous lot!

Anyway... Ella and Vivian showed up early to take some wedding pictures.

Vivi's dress is from the store (and it was totally worth buying it, btw) and Ella's dress is from one of the expansions, I think? (Nightlife?)

Anyway, without further ado, their wedding photos:

Huh, I thought I took more than that. I guess not. Anyway, at this point the guests had started arriving, so everyone moved inside the chapel.

Random shot of Coke's formalwear!

The guests love it!

The exchanging of the rings...

Gosh, they're gorgeous.

Issy: Aww...
Joy: Cho-king
Immy: Where am I?
One of Georgie's daughters: Booo Indy! BOOO!

Yes, I invited the daughters of one of her ex-lovers to her wedding. They're friends of Coke's! Besides, they chose to show up.

For pretty much the entire wedding Immy just stood there and stared in the wrong direction.

Same with H. She got pretty turned around. What is wrong with my elders?
Hey look, Jin is in the background! That counts as face time, right?

Chantal Starr was also in attendance. Domingo (dating Iato, enemy of Iella) and Theladry(the other triplet who never shows up to anything) were not there. Neither was Bran Starr or Georgie McClean, for that matter. I didn't think that was a good idea, exactly...

I like Joy's formal wear... but she did this through the entire ceremony.

And since I've shown you everyone else in the family, here's Ginny. She's cute.

Another shot of our lovely couple...

But the wedding isn't over! Now that the ceremony is over, it's time for the reception!

While the adults stood around and talked, or got a plate for dinner, both Ginny and Jin decided to preside over their royal court... together.

It was super cute. These two haven't had much interaction, but they get along really well.

Jin: I am the king!

Ginny: But I am the queen! And I'm taller than you!

While the kids played, the newly married couple stole a moment together.
Vivian: This day has been almost perfect, but I have one more surprise for you...

Ella: For me? They smell like flowers!

Vivian: *eyeroll* When is Lady Blue going to stop using that stupid line?

Poor H had to go to work as soon as the ceremony was over, but Immy and Coke danced together enough for her.
I was particularly thrilled that not only did Immy and H get "Mother of the Bride" moodlets, but Coke got a "Father of the Bride" moodlet as well! Yay for happy trios!

Uh... Joy, aren't you a little young to be drinking that?
Joy: It's juice.

The brides enjoyed a lovely dance together.

As it started to get later, Ginny and Jin started a game of tag with some other guests.

I was disappointed that Wade and Pedro didn't come, I wanted them to meet their cousins. We'll have to go visit them sometime.

Aww... part of the happy family.

Hey, I actually managed a family portrait (sans H, who was still at work). Not often that I get the whole family in one room!

Oh wow I love my lighting mod.
Vivian: I love you.

Ella: I'm glad you stalked me for the entirety of your teen years.

Coke: What was I doing again? Hey, boobies!
Ah, dysfunctional legacy families, what would I do without them.

Woah, Joy... You look a lot like your mother at your age.


As the last guests left, the family sat down to have dinner before they left. They paid for it already, after all.

Not everyone sat together, though.

The little ones were still playing.

Cutie pies. I think we're having an heir poll after all. six days, when Ginny is finally a teen.

Aww, Ella moved tables to go talk with her wife!

With all the guests gone I sent everyone else home and gave the girls one last moment alone before returning to the chaos of everyday life.

I love the little look Ella is giving her!


Okay girls, that's enough!

Umm... let's leave them to it, shall we?

Next time... hopefully (sorry) an elder will die, imaginary friends will become real, and we'll probably have some birthdays. Also: we consider the possibility of more babies, Vivian goes out to meet celebrities, and we introduce the cousins.
See you then!

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