Monday, June 7, 2010

Generation French, Chapter Five

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in French, Partout Dans Le Monde.
In this legacy, each generation will be named a word starting with their letter from a language starting with that letter; so a sim from generation F could be named Former, the French word for Train.

Last time on the Around the World Legacy, Edel and Mel got married, and tried for a baby, since Edel had achieved his LTW.

All those tries for baby got Mel pregnant, which she discovered outside of work, where she was playing the guitar for tips and friends.

That hasn't stopped Edel, though. Meet Ei Toota Wednesday. He just did.

They also tried to have a baby.

Wolfe, by the way, is still hanging around. I just noticed (FRAC!) that he's been reset back to the start of this life stage, so he's the same age as his girlfriend, now. Guess we'll be seeing a lot more of the two of them.
Oh, and he's maxed the charisma and guitar skill, and look! That house in the background, that's the legacy home. Pretty.

Alright, this is a legacy, so it's birthday time!

He is so cute! Frac is my favorite, seriously. So. Cute.
He looks like his father did at this age.

Doesn't he, though? This is Edel at Frac's age. Same cheekbones, same face-shape, if they had the same hair...
I have to say, we're losing our unique-acy feeling. The family is full of pretty people, but they're a tad generic.

Anyway, Edel's not slowing down yet! This is either Carly Cutler or Emma Oliver, I don't remember which, and my notes aren't helpful.

After a few issues, they hopped into bed too.

Frac, meanwhile, was learning to fish... in the swimming pool.
"What? I can't go out to other places to fish, the curfew cops come get me!"

While Edel was at Ms. Cutler's (or Ms. Oliver's) house, Mel went into labor. I was hoping for triplets to round out the family...

...but it was only twins. Well, that's good enough for me!
Meet Faux and Fais Alphabetacy. Their names mean Fake and Fresh, respectively.

I figured out that if an adult is with them, the Curfew Cops don't take kids away, so Wolfe took Frac to the beach with him.

DÃ¥rlig has taken a break from writing to work on skills she needs for her job. After all, that is her LTW. She has been gardening, and now she's upgrading everything to unbreakable. With a family trait of unlucky, I should have done this a long time ago.

Mel is also trying to reach her LTW. She has been practicing charisma at home, but mostly she goes to the park during the day and plays her guitar. It leaves Edel lots of time to bring his mistresses home (though he did accidentally flirt with one in front of the twins and give them a horrible "betrayed" moodlet)

Maybe this is Emma Oliver? But I don't have any pictures of him getting her into bed for woohoo.

You know who he did get? This young woman.

Meet my simself.

Then, the next day, he went to the pool and met Esmeralda Twig.

They went back to his place and... woohoo!

Edel now has fourteen kids! Holly Murphy gave birth to little boy Vito, Ei Toota Wednesday had a boy named Dana, and Emma Oliver, whoever she is, had a son named Russ.


  1. Edel and Frac do look similar. That's a problem with TS3, they all look alike much sooner than in TS2. Instead of inheriting bits and pieces from both parents, the kids are just clones...

    Also, at the rate he's breeding, Edel's kids won't have any spouse options because they'll all be related! That's a problem I've run into, actually, but it took a few generations because the largest family only had 6 kids...and since you're using EA story progression...

  2. I dunno, I had my fair share of clones in TS2 too. I think the solution to both problems is seeding the neighborhood with new spouses each generation (as I do) and trying to marry the more unique offspring. Next generation (ie when the F kids are young adults) I'll add a ton of single men and women and a few married couples with either young children or no kids at all. I'm also moving over some families from Twinbrook. That should offer new spouses to everyone and add some genetic diversity. Yay!
