Thursday, August 5, 2010

Generation Hungarian, Chapter Six

Hello, and welcome to the Around the World Legacy. Or, in Hungarian, Körülbelül A Világ.

Last time, Hol kept catching on fire and nobody cared.

It's birthday time!


So I took the liberty of making her blond. We haven't had a blond yet this generation, it's all dark hair, except for our redhead (who also had the ugly green hair, remember?)

Um, so yeah, I don't have any pictures between that and this next birthday. Sorry!

Hol is super cute in his dreads!

And Het is... Frac, I wish she were biological!

I gave her a new electric guitar, and it's even in her favorite shade of purple.

Her father is also continuing his guitar playing, making it almost impossible for visitors not to stop and stare at one or the other.

Random shot of cute baby.

And now it's time for this one to grow up. Sorry, I forgot it's name for a second. Looking at my (inadequate) notes, I believe this is Három.

Yes, alright then.

Halle is a really cool fire fighter. She's saved less than 5 people so far (she's had that wish locked since she got the job!) but she's either really close to the top of the career, or at the top, I can't remember. Anyway, she can work from home, so I think that is the top?

When not fighting fires, Galle writes her novels. I'm starting to think she's never going to be able to switch back to that career.

Het is doing pretty well for herself. She's got a new boyfriend! His name is something weird, but I don't remember what it is. He's also kind of special looking, but they could have very pretty babies.
By the way, since my last update, Rena and Geschehen have had twins, named Shaun and Faye.

While his twin is flirting with some random guy, Hol is working on the inventing career, while Hadjárat makes swift work of the writing career. Yes, a list of her titles is coming soon. Promise.

Hátulja is also a self-employed artist, though we're keeping a lot of her paintings because she paints them with a neurotic glow. It's not like we need the money, the family has just reached over a million simoleons.

And it's birthday time again.

Hajó's kind of pretty, I guess. His nose is weird, though (this generation really had no good option for noses!)

Cue an endless string of chess games. At first I thought maybe he could do the nectar career, and maybe he still will, but usually that's reserved for sims that are gardening, and eventually someone has to do the nectar LTW.

And then Hol caught on fire. Did anyone care?

"Hmm, was that the sound of my grandson screaming in agony?"

"Nope, probably just the pomelo tree."

So, birthdays. How's that for a transition? (Hol was fine)

I don't think little miss Helyzet is a clone, but it's hard to tell what she'll look like so far. I certainly don't remember her personality, other than that she's good.

I'm going to end this chapter with a question for you all, and I want you to think about it carefully: should Galle and Fritz have another child? They already have four biological children and three adopted ones, but I fear for the clones. They're still young, and I don't have to worry about household size, so what will it be? Do you want to see more children, or are you satisfied with the genetic variety of this generation?


  1. Well...I'll admit I'm curious since they've only had four biological children, but...let's put it this way, you may not have a problem with the size of the household, but the neighborhood might. If I recall correctly, the problem you had with the last neighborhood was that there were too many related Sims...And then there's the fact that you're...erm...dismissive, I suppose is the best word, of the kids. If they're still fairly young, maybe you should wait until all the kids are teens, and make a final decision then? And there's always a chance of genetic diversity since there's the slim percentage of random coloring with every birth.

  2. I think I agree with Random. I'm having a really hard time keeping everyone straight and I couldn't tell you who was adopted and who was biological at this point. Maybe wait and see how they grow into their looks and then have another one if you're not happy with any of the currents.
