Sunday, May 30, 2010

Generation French, Chapter One

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in French, Partout Dans Le Monde.
In this legacy, each generation will be named a word starting with their letter from a language starting with that letter; so a sim from generation F could be named Former, the French word for Train.

Last time on the Around the World Legacy, Edel was announced heir.

He celebrates by making some new friends.

Lots of new friends.

Lots of older, new, female friends.

Fortunately, they won't be too much older than him for much longer. It's his birthday!

He's a beautiful man!

Of course, our beautiful man wants to have ten girlfriends. So he calls up one of the girls from the park to talk.

Or, uh, more than talk. Err...

So they're dating now.

They woohoo. Or, rather, try for baby. It's my own personal rule that all woohoos must be try for baby if it's available. I heard a lullaby, so Ms. Eira Sophie is, like it or not, carrying the first child of generation F.
They broke up. She can't fit in the family if she's pregnant, there's no space, and I have my eye on a different young woman for a spouse anyway.

Edel tried another woman, but she's married, has a kid, and is family oriented, so she's not accepting his advances. He moves on.

Her name is Cesta Republika. She happily becomes Edel's girlfriend, but then she leaves before he can break up again.

Edel tried for baby with her, too, before they broke up. It's my plan for this generation that our heir spread his legacy heritage far and wide across this neighborhood before settling down.

So it's goodbye Cesta, hello... whoever's next!

This is a little weird. I mean, generation E is still made of (mostly) teens, but the heir is a YA, and generation F is on the way, but not in the household. I'm going to call this the start of Generation French anyway, but it's a rather odd and abrupt shift. Huh.
Maybe next time we'll start doing things properly again.


  1. It is definitely fun to spread the legacy heritage throughout a town. I did it in one game by having a family with 6 children and having each of them marry members of prominent families. The tricky part of that is that there's no guarantee that they'll have kids once they're moved out, especially with such a widespread family.

  2. Yeah, the family's got lost of siblings out in the neighborhood now, but none of them have had kids yet. Dommer got married on his own, and one of Chyba's generation (I forget who) had one kid, but that's all that story progression has done for us.

  3. Do you use the game's original story progression or a mod?

  4. I use the original story progression. That's probably why no one has children.
