Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Generation Czech, Chapter Three

Hello, and welcome to the new Around the World Legacy. Or, in Czech, Cesta Kolem Světa.
In this legacy, each generation will be named a word starting with their letter from a language starting with that letter; so a sim from generation C could be named Čína, the Czech word for China.

Last time on the Around the World Legacy, the family was rapidly expanding, and Lemmy and Bihotz found themselves unable to provide for their three children, Cvičitel, Časopis, and Chyba.

Worse yet, Lemon soon discovered she was pregnant again! Though she loved her children, she was not happy at the prospect of another mouth to feed.

Bihotz was working hard to reach the top of his career, and Lemon was often left home alone with the crying babies. Cvičitel was often forgotten about entirely and left to entertain herself. I certainly don't have many pictures of her!

Chyba was soon ready to grow into a toddler, which only made Lemon happy because it meant soon she'd be out of the nursery all together.

And she got her mother's freakish yellow eyes! So that was kind of exciting.

Of course, no sooner had Chyba become a toddler, happily getting lost in the toy box, then Lemon went into labor.

I present to you, Lemon and Bihotz's three baby girls. That's right, triplets! There are now three infants and two toddlers in the nursery, and one lonely child somewhere around here.
They named them Čaj, which means Tea, Chléb, which means Bread, and Číslo, which means Number. As in "if we didn't have such a large Number of children, we'd be able to buy Tea and Bread!"

Lemon certainly wasn't happy about this. She confronted Bihotz that night in the nursery, since they were both practically living there trying to care for all the babies.

"I don't get it, I thought you loved kids!"

"I love all our children, Bihotz, all six of them, but I worry about being able to take care of them. I haven't even gone to my first day on the job yet, I've been trapped here taking care of your fleet of babies and I can't even get a moment's rest! I'm becoming a house wife!"

Bihotz took his wife's hands and comforted her, and she seemed placated for now, but for how long? Can they raise six children and still reach the top of both their careers? Can they afford to expand the house to fit all the kids, or will someone be sleeping on the lawn forever?
Find out next time, on "Around the World!"

...okay, that was a bit cheesy.

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